Submitting an Open Source UPM Package

Package Criteria

Before submitting a GitHub-hosted UPM package, please ensure it meets our package criteria.

To submit a UPM package, follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the form below and click the Submit metadata button to upload the package metadata file to GitHub.

  2. On the opened GitHub page, click the Commit changes... button to create a pull request. Keep the default commit message unchanged as Create ...yml.

  3. The pull request will be merged after passing a test workflow. For security reasonsopen in new window, new GitHub user needs approval from a maintainer, and we aim to provide this within 24 hours.

  4. Once the PR is merged, it triggers another build workflow (in average 15~30 minutes) to publish your package to the OpenUPM registry.

  5. After completion, you can find your package at It will also appear on the listing page if at least one version gets published.